viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010

Ensure environmental sustainability

The Millenium Development Goals are 8 international development goals that all 192 United Nations member states and at least 23 International organizations have agreed to achieve by the year 2015.

This are the 8 Millenium Development Goals:

- Eradicate extreme proverty and hunger.
-Achieve universal primary education.
-Promote gender equality and empower women.
-Reduce child mortality.
Improve maternal health.
-Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
-Ensure environmental sustainability.
-Develop a global partner ship for development.

In this proyect you will learn wich is the seventh goal and our own solutions :


Sustainable development can be ensured only by protecting the environment and using it resources wisely. Poor people often dependent on natural resources for their livelihood, are the most affected by environmental degradation and natural disasters, the effects wich are worsened by environmental mismanagement.
Althought many contries have adopted principles of sustainable development and agreed to international accords on protecting the environment, land is still being degraded. Forests are being more lost and fisheries overused, plant and animal species are becoming extinct, and carbon emissions are leading to climate change.
Rich and poor contries alike have a stake in using environmental resources wisely.Good policies and economic growth, which improve people's life, can improve the environment.
The MDGs also call for improvements in the built environment. The world may achieve the target for access to water services , but improvement in basic sanitation services has been slow, and slums are growing as more people move into urbans areas.


We must be aware about this problem, because we are the future of this society.If we try to find some solutions for this goal our descendents will be thankful.
We can do a lot of things to ensure the environment and we can change things too, for example.

-Some of us one used to spend half an hour or ah hour in the shower, and it isn't necessary , If we use the water responsibly we will have this resource for a long time.
-Reduce the amount of electricity used in our houses, because this electricity can be used in poor contries.
-We must use more public transport because the cars CO2 emissions are destroying the ozone layer.
-If we want the MDGs to be achieved we can do some demonstrations to demand governaments' urget measures.
-Decrease housing shortage, in the poorest cities and build houses for their habintants.

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