martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

A debate on sport

1.- On the other hand, sport can actually be dangerous. Millions of people are hurt playing sport each year, some of them very seriously.

2.-Sport does teach children lessons, but not always good ones. Many children are not naturally talented and only come across failure and embarrassment on the sports field.

6 comentarios:

  1. I dont agree because is normal that you hurt in everything not only in sports

  2. I don't agree with the first part of the Cons because...The people that have problems to the health the doctor says " Yo must do sport to take care of your health and prevent more serious" And the person try to do sport to prevent the ENFERMEDAD.

  3. There are sports that make some children agresive and hurt other children, karate or something else.
    I think that there are dangerous sports, but not all and only if you are a olimpic player or a common one, you can have an acident.

  4. I dont agree because olimpic people for example if they suffers an accident the doctor say if you continue doing sport you can be badder

  5. i dont whit sonia because some childrens are batters by her fathers "friends" ... and they need to fight

  6. I don´t agree,because you can hurt in the other activities.I don´t agree with the other text,because if you don´t have naturally talented
    you can improve gradually
