lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2009

For me this is a good photo to mean what is Christmas, a nativity scene!!
The nativity scene made of sand in Las Canteras beach!! =)

The Christmas tree of my cousin

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2009

My dog in Christmas Time!!

This is my dog in Christmas Time.....

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

I thought you might enjoy watching this video! Have you already watched " New Moon"?


Can you think of a good excuse for not practising your English? Have a look at this link and let me know what you think.
See you all on Monday,


Hi everybody,
I´m sure you´ll take advantage of this resource. Remember to tell me if you have used it to improve your English. Have a wonderful weekend !

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

Something to debate about..............

Hello everyone, remember that this blog is also for you to talk freely in English about anything you like. You can make suggestions yourself and start up discussions.
Take a look at the link below - what do you think, what is your opinion?

This is just to practise your English out of school!


lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009


"Many of us today realize the healthy benefits of tuning into ourselves, paying attention to our needs and listening to our intuition. As we listen to ourselves we begin to hear our inner"magic" emerge."
Journal Writing is an innocent and gentle process that has been around for centuries. It is a Powerful tool for personal growth and personal healing. It helps people discover and utilize their greatest gifts & hidden resources; it provides a way to mirror the processes by which they become dynamic and develop themselves -- what concerns students here is mainly "Communicating in English", Encouraging Creativity, & Practising Writing and all of the concomitant thinking skills that underlie writing.
Unfortunately, writing a journal is not as easy a task as it might seem. Our culture is so externally oriented that it is really difficult to stop, shift gears and listen to our inner selves. We have good intentions but find it difficult to turn off the TV or radio, let go of the telephone and sit in the quiet "chamber" of ourselves. The trip inward can be extraordinarily rewarding-once we have begun, since, let's face it, it is the beginning that is so difficult.
So often, when we sit down to do journal writing, we are caught up in our left brain responsibilities and may have a hard time switching gears. What we need to do is breathe deeply and begin to release whatever we have been attached to--to begin to listen to that still small voice within. Some people can do this with relative ease, but others find it difficult ... they often don't know what to write about.

What should you do if you don't know what to write about?

1- You can write about the themes you are studying at school => Your Analysis of facts, situations, what you would do if you were in ... shoes,what should be done to avoid ....... / to improve ...... / to make up for ......
2- You can glue on the inside front cover a list of possible topics you havecollected ourselves (quotes, proverbs ...), so if you run out of ideas you have a list to consult.
3- You can collect some texts that inspire you a lot, and when in need, you use them.
4- You can also use the additional handouts given by your teacher.
5- You can comment on the songs studied and movies seen.
6- You can comment on whatever is going on around you: at school, at home, with a friend, in Lebanon, in the world ....
7- You can write about & interpret (or at least try to) your dreams.
8- You can collect poems, ads, photos, or newspaper clippings (interestingones), paste them in your journal and give your opinion about them.
9- You can write a list of advice you would give to your friend, teacher, parents, supervisor, principal ......
10-You can write about many different areas including personal relationships, career and special interests, body and health, and meaning in life.

Note: It is much better to match the topic of the entry with the theme being studied.

Setting up your Journal:

- Decide what you'd like your journal to look like. Give your journal a title. The title will be the first really creative thing you'll do with your journal, so make your title witty, unusual, thought provoking. - Decorate the cover of your journal. You could sketch on the cover, paste on an advertisement or a photo, or write your favorite quotes on it.

Don't forget to:

- Bring your journal with you to class every week. Your teacher might read one of your entries to the whole class (after having had your permission of course). - Write the date & time whenever you make an entry. Make a List of the entries at the end of the month (on a separate sheet on your journal), for the teacher to see and put a grade.
- Be Creative!!

" If we are committed to growth, we should discover and utilize our inner gifts, then we should move beyond our internal critics, move past the darkness inherent in our life and move into our power, meaning, and joy. We should implement this process of opening to ourselves. As we grow in our openness to love and to being loved, we heal...and as we heal, everyone is benefited."

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

Common file format

File format

Images can be saved in a variety of file formats. Different file formats exist because some are better at certain tasks than others. Some file formats are associated with specific software programs. For example, Adobe Photoshop's file format is .PSD.

However, graphics packages also allow the user to save their work in compatible file formats that can be used in a variety of software programs - eg .JPG, .GIF, .TIFF. Most digital cameras automatically save photographs as .JPG and these can be used in a variety of graphics packages.


Answer the following questions. You can get the information you need through this link:

1.- What are the main characteristics of the three formats: JPG, GIF, BMP?
2.- What are they used for?
3.- Compare the three formats.
4.- Which has a bigger size?

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

Should the morning-after pill be banned?


Emergency contraceptive pills can have serious, harmful side-effects including nausea, vomiting, infertility, breast tenderness, ectopic pregnancy and blood clot formation. Nobody knows the long-term effects.

Emergency contraception is a form of abortion. It works by preventing a fertilised egg and a fertilised egg is a human being, because it contains within itself all that is necessary for a child to develop. Therefore it could be considered as murder.

Should the morning-after pill be banned?


Whether intentionally or not, people do sometimes have unprotected sex without wanting to get pregnant. When this happens, emergency contraception allows women to ensure that they are not pregnant, without the stress and increased health risk caused by waiting until a pregnancy can be confirmed and then, if desired, having an abortion.

There are good reasons for making the morning-after pill a non-prescription drug. It can take time to get a prescription from a doctor, and in speed is very important in an emergency. Some patients may be embarrassed to tell their doctor about what they need, and so will not go to get a prescription.

Should the morning-after pill be banned?


Emergency contraception, often called the ‘morning-after pill’, reduces the chance of pregnancy following unprotected sexual intercourse. if taken within 72 hours they reduce the risk of pregnancy by between 75 and 89 percent. Emergency contraceptives such as Levonelle are legal in the US and UK; in the UK they can be bought over the counter from pharmacists by over-16s.

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

A debate on sport


1.- Sport is a great way to stay fit and healthy. This is very important today as few people have jobs with physical labour and most of us travel everywhere by car. As a result many people are overweight and suffer poor health.

2. -Sport has lots of social benefits. Sports programmes can give people a positive purpose and something to do. Societies which practise sport have lower levels of crime.

A debate on sport

1.- On the other hand, sport can actually be dangerous. Millions of people are hurt playing sport each year, some of them very seriously.

2.-Sport does teach children lessons, but not always good ones. Many children are not naturally talented and only come across failure and embarrassment on the sports field.

viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2009

And now... back to business!!!!!

This is a little bit of revision from other years, and it will help you in the work you´ll have to do in a few weeks.

- ACTIVITIES- Answer the following questions:

1- What´s hardware?
2.- What´s software?
3 .- What is an input device?. Give some examples.
4. -What is an output device?. Give some examples.
5. -What does CAD mean?
6. -Explain what graphic software is for?
7. -Explain what multimedia software is for?

You can find some of the answers through the following link (Of course, you can use aswell other sites and your notes from the last year):

Send the answers to my email.
Hello everyone and welcome back to a new year!

This year we will spend once every two weeks working on the blog with Kathryn in the class, helping us with our english.

This is a chance for us to have fun, improve our english and to communicate with your classmates and teachers, so... take advantage of this great opportunity!

Remenber this blog is yours so you want to make any changes or have any ideas, we´ll be very happy to hear it.

lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

Here you´ll find some ideas for your presentations about plastics... . You can also take advantage of the vocabulary yoy learn!
Plastics materials

Everywhere you look you will find plastics.
We use plastic products to help make our lives cleaner, easier, safer and more enjoyable. You will find plastics in the clothes we wear, the houses we live in, and the cars we travel in. The toys we play with, the televisions we watch, the computers we use and the CDs we listen to contain plastics. Even the toothbrush you use every day contains plastics! For more examples on where you will find plastics, click here.

History of plastics
The history of plastics goes back more than 100 years. Compared to other materials however, plastics are a relatively modern.
View here a presentation of how plastics have developed over the last century.

domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

hello from kathryn!!

Hi guys!!

Before I forget, I wanted to send you all the picture taken on my last day, I think it's a really lovely photo!! 

I will most likely be coming into school again to say hello. I also have a friend who wants me to take her to visit I.E.S Schamann because she may be working in the school in September!! She is Scottish, and very friendly. Her accent is much harder to understand though!!! 

Also, see the link below, winners of Britain's Got Talent!!!

Take care,


lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009

A nice song to the dicate our mums!!(L)

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

If a mathematic were a ...

  • If a mathematic were a animal,they would be a monkey , becaause both are so alike.These are alike ,because both had evolved with the pass of the year.
  • If a mathematic were a sound , they would be a sound that do the bird,because is natural .I´m thinking that the mathematic are natural.
  • If a mathematic were a colour, they would be a blue,because it is a colour that never ends like the sky.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

If mathematics were a...

If mathematics were a sound they would be the piano's sound.Because when you are playing the piano you need to be exactly in what you do.Another reason,because when you're working out any math's problem you need to be so concentrated the us when you are playing the piano.

If mathematics a colour they would be blue.Because all of my math's books,in the past and in the present, are bleu.Another reason is because in my math's notebook,I write every calculates with the blue pen.

If mathematics were an animal they would be a cat.Because you be too sure that you know to do any calculation but sometimes it catches you unawares, the same us a cat.

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

If matehematics were...

If mathematics were an animal... they would be ... a LIZARD becouse my first book had a lizard in the title page.

If mathematics were a sound... they would be ... a classical music becouse I'm relaxed as maths and too concentrated as mathematics.

If mathematic were a colour... they would be ... a a blue colour becouse all muy books were blue.

If mathematics were...

If mathematics were a sound, they would be classic music.Because this tupe of music is relaxing and If i study mathematics in this form, I will pass all terms in this year. And to make a composition or classic musics is dificult and the mathematics too.

If mathematics were and animal, the would be a dog. This is my pinion , because this animal is the best friend of the men and they are afectionate and the mathematicas would be easy.And to adriester a dog I needed pacience and the mathematics too. But a little effort all goes well

If mathematics were a colour, they would be red.Because this is the colour that represents the fires, it is like red fire and it turn of quickly sometimes and slow, others.And tith hep it can be completly and the mathematics too.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009


If math were a animal, they would be a duck because the duck have two paws and two wings, although the duck can't fly. Its hearing can be a sphere, the beak can be a triangle and the body can be a cylinder.
If math were a sound, they would be a classic music because in this type of music there is some sound and with this different sound you feel love, anguish, fear...This type of sensations is that I feel when I am doing an exercise.
If math were a colour, they would be red because when start the class I feel anguish but when I do a exercise and when I know how to do it, I love math!


A Sound

If maths were a sound, they would be a clasisic music because the maths is relaxing how the classic music !

A Animal

If maths were a animal, they would be a parrot because the parrot is relaxing and repeat the same equal that maths !

A Colour

If maths were a colour, they would be a green because the colour green is hope equal to the maths !

If Mathematics were...

A sound...
I think it would be Classical Music. Because it is relaxing and make me think about it.
But the best instrument would be the clarinet. Because the Maths and the music is in harmony, in peace.
As mathematics is an exact science, since it is always a balance, the other is complete, classical music, especially, is balanced. Moreover, the music was invented by Maths. Therefore, the classical music; and between the instruments, the clarinet, for its clear sound.

An animal...
They would be an elephant, because they are the biggest mammal in our planet and they are old, intelligent and never forget. And Maths is like that, big, old and clever.
Or an eagle, because they are very elegant and have a beautiful, fast flight.

A colour...
I think they would be all colours, but above all, white and green. White, because it representspeace and harmony, like Classical Music, and it is pure.
And green, because of the environment, because nature is wise. Many things are green, like plants, and all have their pros and their cons, their equilibrium.
But Maths has many faces, and they can be very different. They are like an adventure, you can´t improvise what is going to happen.

Classical Culture assignment - Ancient mathematicians

Pithagoras: Marina
Eratosthenes: Kevin T. (in french)
Archimedes: Ricardo
Hypatia: Kira
Thales of Miletus: Nere
Euclides: Madina
Ptolemy (Ptolemaeus): Lili

Pending of Assignment: Gemma, Sonia, José Luis (B), Sara Ra., Sara Re., Agustín (B), Kevin O. (B), Mario (B)

Classical Culture assignment - Skyline

Sonia, Ayoze and Guaci: Ancient Athens
Jonay and Isra: Pompeii
Lili, Kira and Nere: Ancient Rome
Madina, Sara Re. and Marina: Ancient Alexandria of Egypt
Group 5: Ancient Rome
Group 6: Ancient Athens

domingo, 29 de marzo de 2009

What does been in the proyect mean to me?

To be in the proyect is something importat, because not all of the students have this opportunity, but sometimes I forget where I am. This will be very useful in our future. Because of that we must get used to speak a little more, without coyness.
In this three years I learned more than I thought I will. And I happy to be here. The most important thing in English is to speak, because that is what you are going to do one day you need; to communicate with people.
For those things I think it is worth to be here.

My presentation

This is my presentation:

Hello! I´m Sonia. I am 14 years old, but my birthday is soon and I will have 15 years old. I live with my parents and my brother in Mariucha. I´m studying at Schamann High School. I want to go to the university and study Sciences.
When I was 8 years old, I went to Germany with my mother, but I don´t remember many things, but I remember that there was raining almost every day, in the afternoons, and at nights, there were many rays in the sky.
My brother and I want to learn Germany, but for me is too difficul. I haven´t spoken with my family yet. One of my hobbies is write stories and I love swim with a buggie and catch waves.
I don´t like so much do my homework or cleaning my room. And I am afraid of cockroaches.
Ine of my favourite programs is Bones. I must get used to study Sciences or at least ride my brother´s bike to do some exercise.
I would like be an antropologist, because I want to discover something important.
An anecdote was when my family and I went to Artenara to take photos... and then we entered in a restaurant to have lunch. And there was a little child that came behind me with a great smile, he gave myself a small pull in the hair and then he ran away very happy. It was graceful!
Finally, my wish is this:
I´m going to travel as many countries as I can during my life.
Nowadays I am so happy, moreover soon is Holy week!!
Thanks for all and goodbye!

To Katryn

Hey! Katryn many congratulations on being aunt and thanks for those who give us courage.I hope so that you Have a happy and long Easter Holidays !

Look at this funny video that so guys let us belts to prevent these accidents before.!:)

Lauriita..=) !! ( L )

Hello,my name is laura.Im fourteen years old.Im live in Las Palmas ,but a was born in Colombia.I was travel here when I was six years old.Im baptized when I was four years.When I was a child,I loved playing with barbies and dolls.Im studing in IES Schamann school,in the third year of eso in the SBO.My favourite food is the chicken and my favourite colours are purpel and red.My hobbies are dancing and going out with my friends.My favourite animal is the dog.I had a dog,his name was Matilda.But my mother doesn't like the dogs.Then give the dog.When I was seven years old,I was travel to Tenerife to see the animals in the Loro Parque.Also travel to Paris and Italy.I have two brothers,one boy,his name is Fabián,his twenty-three years old and one girl,her name is Lina,her is fifteen years old.Both than bigger than me.In the future,I would like to travel the United States.I will to study psychology ,because it draws attention.In the future I would like to havea big house with pool and garden.In conclution I like my life.I love my family and friends and I hope to continue so long.

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009


I think that this proyect is very important for our future because this will"open a lot of door" in the future,THIS IS AN ADVANTAGE.This years I have learned a lot of vocabulary and expresions.I ave learned to speak fluency and a little fast,before in 1ª of ESO I didnt anderstand very well went Lucy spook,and now I anderstand all the words.


Hello Everybody!!!

Hey everyone, it's Kathryn. Lucy has been kind enough to let me use her account to write to you all, hopefully soon I will have an account of my own so I can write more often. Next week I will be going back to England to visit my family, and the newest member of my family - my nephew, who is just a few days old. My sister will need lots of help, so I will probably spend all of my time helping her clean, cook, and of course - play with the baby!!! So for next week, good luck with your evaluations, for those of you who have done very well - CONGRATULATIONS and keep up the hard work. And for those of you who have not done as well as you wanted, don't give up and i'm sure you'll improve.

Finally, take a look at the link below, this is an aid for English people who want to learn Spanish, I'm sure you'll find it amusing.

Take care, and see you after easter!!!


jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009

My oral presentation of English

* Good morning, this is my oral presentation.
* I'm Gemma, I'm 15 years old and like you can see I don't like be the centter of attencion.
* I'm going to start to tell all my life. I'm not from here, I'm from Sevilla. In this phto tou can see me with my friends in the school. I like Sevilla more than Las Palmas because in summer the street smell to orange blossom.
* After some years, my mum spoke with a man ina chat, Ale.Then they met and they are fall in love. So we decidd to came here.
* My mum, mu sister and me came here four years ago and inthis four years many things have happened.
* One year ago my little sister was born. Her name is Alejandra and she's very capricious and graceful.
* Now, I'm a student of the I.E.S.Schamann secundary shool. I'm in the third year of ESO and I have to study very hard because is more difficult and I don't like study because is bored.
* In the future I want be a good flight attendant because I love travel around the world and I like so much be in a plane.
* My conclution is that in my family there are some people each one is different and important too, but we learn to live all together.
Dear students,

I´m glad some of you have decided ( made up your minds) to write your presentations in the blog. I don´t mean to give you lectures all the time but, as you can see, today´s lecture has worked!. It´s very important that you devote some time to writing because this is the only way to improve your writing skill. I suggest that you read your presentations carefully and look for mistakes so that you can improve them next term. You must avoid translating from Spanish literally and stick to the English rules. Remember that English has its own structures and you must stick to them so as not to speak " Spanglish". Pay attention to word order, subject- verb agreement, verb tenses... . It is also important that you revise vocabulary and expressions and use varied language in your speeches. So far you´ve learnt a lot of vocabulary but you don´t put it into practice. How about having a look at your notebooks during the Easter holidays and brushing up on your English?. You´ll be surprised to see how much you have forgotten. Refresh your memories and bring English back. I realize that some of you will have to do an extra effort to catch up and bring your English up to date but it´s worth trying.

Many of you haven´t done your best this term but it´s no use crying over spilt milk, so do your best next term and prove that you really want to learn English.

That´s all for now. It´s late and

Good night,

Hello!!! I´m Kira

Vantages and advantages in the project:

I think that the project have many advantages: in this year I learn more Englis that in the others years, and I want to speak and understand better. For this reasson I do a promess for the next term, that I am going to studing more. In the project also it is good that we can speak with Katheryn and we have the things easier to improve that other people in a public school. I don´t find any vantages yet, only a litle thing that I´m not very happy, but is it not so important.
Good morning, I´m kira, I live in Las Palmas (schamann)and I am fifteen years old,. I have two brothers, my sister, that she is twentyfive years old and my brother that he is twenty years old. I love the animals, at the age of nine years old I had many animals, now I only have three dogs.

When I´m fourteen years old, my brother went to travel to Zaragoza, and I was alone many months because my parents are separate.
Now I live in a new and big house with my grandparents, my uncle, my brother and my mum. And my sister live in Lanzarote.

This is my mum, I love her, because is very beautiful and is my best friend to, she always listen to me.

My hobbies are ride to horse at weekend and on every mondays I go to activity of teathre, and I also love go uot with my friends.
This is my group of teathre,I like there, because I meet many interesting people in this activity, and I do that I want.

I think that in the future I will study spicologic with childrens, because I love this and I love listen to people, and I want to buy myself I big and nice house and a good car, I hope to have many animals and I want to travel to Siria and more places of the world.
I also wish that I never forget me friends, because if I am happy is for they. My lif now is I perfect life. thank you for every think and for listen to me.

Teacher... I write this other time, becaus I want that you see my presentation!!!!
hello, good morning everybody. My name is Erika Andrea and I´m 14 years old. Ilive in Las Palmas de G.C., in schamann, Las Palmas is a betifull ciy, buy is a little small. I live whith my family, my mum, my dad and my sister, their names are Adriana (mum), Fredy (dad) and Camila (sister), and whith my fiends. My best friends are Madina, Marina, Nerea, Kira, Lili, Sara and Saray. I was from Colombia, it is a beatufull country and is very big. I have family in Colombia. I came to Canary Island whith 6 years old and I don´t remember my life in Colombia. I studied in Pepe Dámaso school and now I´m studing in I.E.S.Schamann, in third of ESO. I like singing, dancing, writing and peinting, my favorite food are the pizza, hamburger, sala and the tipical food of Colombia and my favorite sport is the tennis. I will finish the secundary and bachillerato in nearly future. I wold like travel to United States and aroun of world, and improve my english. In conclution, I try to have a good future.

My Lifee^^

Hellow! My name´s Jefté I live in las palmas in las chumberas exactly. I am 15 years old. In the pass I went study in pepe damaso school at the present I study in Ies schamann High school and the future I would like study Physical education teacher´s because i like. In the future too I want to be football player. My favourite food is ¨Potaje¨ I´m sorry but written in spanish. My favourite football team is Real Betis Balompie because is the best for my. The conclution is that my life and my friends is the BEST because i like..! Bye Bye Kiss ^^

tHe aDvAnTaGe tHaT I HaVe To bE In tHe SBO pRoJeCt:

The advantage that I have to be in the SBO project are that I learn a lot of English because if I don't stay there I can't do write fluency in this blog.I write here in this blog with I know.And I know that more than 50 percentage that is in this project can do that and more and every day we are learn more and more with Kathryn,the vocabulary that put all the teachers of the project and the grammar,of course,that Lucy always say us. And that all jejejeje
Thank you

My LiFe!

Hello! My name is Madina I'm 15 years old.Now I speak about my past,my present and my future.
I was born in Las Palmas de G.C. I was study a year in Reyes católicos school and later I went to study in Pepe Dámaso school.In the Pepe Dámaso school I met Kira,Saray and Sara Re. and then I met Erika.I have been in Granada,Marocco,Melilla and Tenerife.I have family in Melilla.
At the present,I study in Schamann high school where I met Nerea,Marina and Liliana.They are my best friends the same that Kira,Saray,Sara and Erika. I love them.I have three sisters and a little brother.Their names are Hanan,Dina,Saida and Ibrahim and my parents Mohamed and Karima.I love them my family.
I like listen to music,go out with my friends and dance.My favourites songs are ''Single Ladys'' of Beyonce; ''Disturbia''of Rihanna; ''Womanizer''of Britney Spears...
In the future,I would like to study languages because I like it.
I will be happy the same that now.
I will travel around the world with my family or my friends.

My Conclution is that I love my family and my friends and I hope that my friends never forget me.

My life:

Hello, my name is Ricardo i'm fiveteen years old, and i live in Las Palmas, in La Galera. I study in Schamann secondary school but i studied in García Escámez school. My hobbies are play football and table tennis.

My life in the present.

All the week (exept th weekend) i wake up in the morning at a quater to seven to go to the school (i hate do this) beacause i want to sleep a little bit. But i think that the solution of this problem is go to sleep earlier. Then i go to the school during six hours. Next i go to my house and i eat (my favorites foods are chips and fried eggs). I study and doing my homeworks about in two hours. Then while in have dinner i watch TV. And finally i go to sleep.
The weekend are so different... I wake up when i want: Then i do mi hobbies and i domy homeworks and study until the lunch time. In the lunch time i have lunch, of course and when i finish of have lunch i go to sleep. Next i do again my hobbies and the rest is similar to all the week.

My past.

When i was four years old my brother was born i out him Sergio. He was snub and thin and now is the same. And i remember last time that i went to León in the mainland, beacause i have family there, and i remeber the day that i went with my family to Las Médulas. There, in Las Médulas the romans found gold, but now at the present doesn't have any more.

My future.

In the future i will go to the university of Valladolid to study phsical therapist and i will travel out of the mailand beacause i haven't traveled out of the mailand never.


I love my life i love the people that love me and i wish that this people love me forever to.

The adventages of to be on the SBO are:

I think that if i was in other class i didn't learn the english that i know now.

Learn other subjects in english are very important.

Have a teacher of united kingdom like katherin are so important to beacause speak in english with a teacher that are not spanish is better to improve and to understand the coloquial english.

Thank you very much and bey!

My Life and Advantages Or no Advantages to be in the Project

Hello! I'm Liliana,I'm 15 years old. I have 2 brothers his Name are:
Jose Luis<-- He's 21 years old and Aday<-- He's 16 years old and my parents his Name are: Pino and Gregorio.

My life in the present:
I study in I.E.S Schamann's school with my friends and with my brother, Aday and he is stduy in Third of dification. I'm in Third of Eso but this year is more difficult tahn the others years , in my opinion. I have a dog It name is Pardelera.. as tou can see is a nice pet! I love so much it !

In the past:
I was born on 26 August of 1993. I studied in Garcia Lorca's school a 5 years a go. In this photo was in Carnival's day when I was 5 years old more less with mi brother Aday and in this photo I was with Kira and Saray in any( anothers) places. But.. Saray and Kira are my BEST FRIENDS becuase they do everything to see me happy and
I show that there are wonderful people in this life. So .. I love Them Sooooo muchhh!!

In the future:
i am goind to study translater.. because i like the languages of Franch, Italian and English! I would travel around the world becacause i have never traveled , only 1 year but i don't remember .. because i was or 4 years old. I will be married with a famous and beutifull boy. I will
My conclution:
I like my life.. my friends, classmates and my parents..I LIKE ALL! I Am very very happyyy!!!:)

the advantages of to be in the SBO are:
- You relations with Katryn is a person and teaches English and this is a great support to us.
-Is there any other rewards ..
- Do not you realize that you gradually improve your English
- Sometimes we understand things better in English than in Spanish.
- Teachers will strive for a lot more excited to see us every day.
- When we have any duda that something doens't mean they are there to tell us how we blur our future.
The more important thing is the English .. If we don't imporove.. They can't do anything . But.. If the do anything is take off the project..

Thanks you for you atentions!
Diapositiva 2

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009

The answer of woorsheet

1-Fuel is any material that is altered in order to obtain energy.
2-Fossil fuels or mineral fuels are fossil source fuels, that is, coat or hydrocarbons found in the earth's crust.
3-The fossil fuel contributes to the enhanced greenhouse effect and global warming.
4-Renewable energies: they are those sources of energy that one obtains of natural sources(fountains) virtually inexhaustibly (for the immense quantity of energy that it(he,she) contains, and other one because they are capable of being regenerated by natural means)
5-Not renewable energies: they are those sources of energy that they find in the nature, in a limited quantity (and that once consumed in its entirety, cannot be replaced, since system does not exist of produccióno viable extraction, or the production from other sources(fountains) is too small as(like) to turn out to be useful short-term)
6-Hydropower and solar energy.
7-Fossil fuels and nuclear energy.
9-Nuclear energy es the energy of the atomic nucleus of heavy elements like uranium

Inspiring stuff to read

Hi children,
Here you have some stuff to read in order to improve your reading comprehension skill. I find these quotes and sayings very inspiring. I hope you´ll enjoy reading them.

In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.- Mignon McLaughlin

The heart is the only broken instrument that works.

Love is unconditional, relationships are not.- Grant Gudmundson T.E. Kalem

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.- Anonymous

It takes a minute to like someone, and hour to love someone, but to forget someone takes a life time.- Unknown Author

Love is like a puzzle. When you’re in love, all the pieces fit but when your heart gets broken, it takes a while to get everything back together.- Author Unknown


I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.- Edith Ann

Teaching is more than imparting knowledge, it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts, it is acquiring understanding.- William Arthur Ward

For every person who wants to teach there are approximately thirty people who don’t want to learn much.- W. C. Sellar

I keep six honest serving-men. They taught me all I knew. Their names are What and Why and
When and How and Where and Who.- Rudyard Kipling

You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.- Clay P. Bedford


A buen hambre no hay pan duro
Anything tastes good when you're hungry.

A donde fueres haz lo que vieres
When in Rome do as the Romans do.

Al hierro caliente batir de repente
Strike while the iron's hot.

Antes que te cases mira lo que haces.
Look before you leap.

Beben agua en el mismo jarrito.
They're as thick as thieves.

Caras vemos, corazones no sabemos.
You can't judge a book by its cover.

Estar como perro en barrio ajeno.
To feel like a fish out of water.

Le patina el coco.
He has a screw loose.

Meter la cuchara.
To stick one's oar in.

Saberlo de buena fuente.
To hear it straight from the horse's mouth.

Tener el mundo a sus pies.
To have the World at one’s feet.

Estar de mala leche.
To be in a terrible mood.

Tener mala leche.
To be a nasty piece of work.

Andarse con rodeos.
To beat around the bush.

Andar a la caza de….
To fish for (clues, information, compliments)

Famous Quote by Francis Bacon Knowledge is power.
Famous Quote by William Wordsworth The good die first.
Famous Quote by Benjamin Franklin Time is money.
Famous Quote by Abraham Lincoln The Almighty has his own purposes.
Famous Quote by John Keats A thing of beauty is a joy forever
Famous Quote by Alexander Pope A little learning is a dangerous thing.
Famous Quote by Benjamin Franklin There never was a good war or a bad peace.
Famous Quote by Alexander Pope For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Famous Quote by Benjamin Franklin Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.

Famous Quote by Benjamin Franklin Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Famous Quote by Abraham Lincoln You can fool some of the people all of the

time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.


Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.

Nelson Mandela

Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
I'm Gemma and I am studying technology.
So if I have any questions, I am going to ask you.

My PrEsEnTaTiOnS

My name is Marina.I´m fourteen year old.I was born in Ciudad Real.But I stay here because my grandmother I has come here for case os work.Now I live in Las Palmas.Now we are going to tell you the most important thingthat has happend in my lived.I explain you my past, my present and my future.
And my conclusion of my lie and my proyect is :I will never forget the people tha have appear in my live!!!

martes, 24 de marzo de 2009

You´ll be strong!

I´d like you to have a look at the video I´m posting you. I´m sure you´ll be able to understand its message, since you are a very sensitive bunch of students. I hope it´ll give you the courage to keep on trying any time you feel that you need encouragement.

Sereis fuertes.wmv
7236 K Descargar


Be iN tHe ProJEct

Hello!I´m Nerea as all of you know.I think that I´m VERY advantige because i have been in the projecjt 3 years and I have improve my english a lot and i am very happy whit this project...

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2009


1.The fuel, the oil, the fossil fuels and uranio. Because thay aren't renewable energy, so his process of formating require million years.

2.Sun, water, wind and sea. Because don't miss when they produce energy and they renewad constant
3.The most importan is that the renewable energy will never become exhausted.

4.In high school, the majority of energy that we consume provide of Solar panels, placed on it.(solar energy).

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2009

Hello,my name is Ivan.I´m going to speak about my live.I´m fourteen years old.I from to the Canary island.I studied in the Pepe Damaso.Now I studying in the I.E.S favourite sport is football and my favourite football team is Real Madrid.My favourite food is spaghetti and rice.In the future I will travel to Englanf because I like and I improve my english.I don´t decide a work.In conclution I like my live.

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009

Stand by me

Enjoy the video and try to understand the lyrics of the song. It´s worth watching it! . By the way, don´t forget to post your summary of the oral presentation. I can´t wait to read all of them! Bye, Lucy

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009

My life

Hello , I'm alba I'm fifteen year old , I'm from Las Palmas.I studied in Pepe Damaso school. Now days I study in I.ES. schamann .In the weekends.I go out with my boy friends Omar .I want to be a great teacher , I will study in teacher training collage .
When I'm working, I will pay to my self a Travel to argentina . I will travel to poor countries and I will help poor people and children , and I will pay their studies


Hi, I'm Sara. I have fourteen years old, I was born in Las Palmas on 22nd September of 1994. I have two brothers and two sisters. When I was 4 years old my parents separeted and until now I live with my mum and my brothers In schamann. Now I am studying on the third year of ESO and I have many oportunities to pass the course. On future I am going to study district attorney's office and I will be very important in my profession. I will have two children, first the little boy and then, when the boy will have 5 years old, I will have the little girl. I am going to get married with a very attractive man and I am going to have a veeery big house with horses. I know I'm a deceived person but I am like that.

** Kevin **

1. Two examples are the coal and the oil. They are not renewable because they become exhausted as they are emaciated.

2. Two examples are water power and solar power. They call renewable because it takes place of constant form in the earth.

3. The advantage that has the renewable energy is that it is not possible to spend the not renewable one becomes exhausted with the use

4. In Great Canary the wind power is very taken advantage of. Energy of the wind is obtained to travez of a few mills. Also I use the hydraulics and the solar but they are seen less.

Energy Blues

Here you have one video that shows us the energy that there is in the planet.
It is very funny...

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009

My Answers ^^

1-Give some examples of non-renewable energy. Describe why they are considered non-renewable.

- Oil, because is a mineral that not only is very difficult created after millions of years.
- Coal, because it is a mineral that can not be created,I think so.

2.- Give several examples of renewable energy. Why are they considered "renewable"?
- Eolic energy,because the wind is a continuous flow of air and it can not finish.
- Hidroelectric energy because this energy used the water as a means of energy.

3. -What are some of the advantages of renewable energy over non-renewable energy?
The advantage of renewable energy are that can be used again and again and renewable energy.

4 .-Can you describe any examples of how renewable energy is being used in your region?
Mmm... I don't inderstand very good this question.

Hello Guys! ^^

Hii! =)
Teacher, thank you, and I enter the password to the blog ^^ Sorry for the inconvenience of the Gmail jeje ^^ Bye Bye guys! =D
Hello, my name is saray. I m 14 years old and i am living in las palmas.
I am going to show you some importants pictures about my family and friends and me. * when I was 5 years old with my parents and my brother in fuerteventura.But my brother took the photo for this reason he isn’t in the picture.
*This picture was in the same place, but in the beach with my father! I miss that times because the only thing that I must to do was to take a good time . I always wanted to play with my dad because he was and is a very funny person! I love my dad!!
* Always my family and me went to Fuerteventura with my aunt and my cousins. in this picture I was eating a banana with my cousin Raquel.

Now I want to talk about my future, I will get married and I will have 2 children ! but before that I will study psychology in Tenerife, because here, in gran canaria, you can’t study this and I don’t like the main land to go to study.
The conclusion is… I AM A VERY HAPPY PERSON.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009


1.-Are coal,oil,natural gas or radiactive elements,because once they are removed from the ground and used.
2.-Solar energy wind energy,Biomass energy...
Because the other hand quickly replaces itself and is usually avaible in a never-
ending supply.
3.-Some advantages are with the help of special collectors,we can capture some of this energy and put it to use in our homes and business.
4.-With natural gas,crude oil and coal deposits took millions of years to form.

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009


1.- Give some examples of non-renewable energy. Describe why they are considered non-renewable.
My examples are coal, oil, natural gas and radioactive elements.They are considered non-renewable because once they are removed from the group and used, they aren’t immediately replaced.

2.- Give several examples of renewable energy. Why are they considered "renewable"?
My examples of renowables energys are the wind , the sun and the water around the world. . They are renowables because Renewable energy is quickly replaces itself and is usually available in a never-ending supply.

3. -What are some of the advantages of renewable energy over non-renewable energy?
One of the advantages of the renowables energys are that they never ending.

4 .-Can you describe any examples of how renewable energy is being used in your region?
We use the renewable energy in the south of the island, we used the power wind(energia eolica) .

Teacher..Im Laura

I havent blog for that reason a did the homeworks with saray`s blog:

1- Coal, oil, natural gas, or radioactive elements. They are considered non-renewable because once they are removed from the ground and used, they are not immediately replaced.

2- Renewable energy comes from the natural flow of sunlight, wind, or water around the Earth. Renewable energy on the other hand quickly replaces itself and is usually available in a never-ending supply.

I don't know how to do the questions number 3 and 4

My Exercises!

1-Give some examples of non-renewable energy. Describe why they are considered non-renewable.
Coal, Oil, Natural Gas or radioactive elemts.They are considerade non- renewable beacause once used can't be replaced and last millions of years to form

2.- Give several examples of renewable energy. Why are they considered "renewable"?
Comes from the natural flow of sunlight or water With the help of special collectors,
They are considerade renewable because this energy provide to the earth or wind.

3. -What are some of the advantages of renewable energy over non-renewable energy?

Renewable energy comes from the sun and is an inexhaustible source of energy
and Non -renewable energy comes from renewable sources of energy on earth, but last thousands of years to form

4 .-Can you describe any examples of how renewable energy is being used in your region?
In my region tah is Las palmas we use wind energy in the sruth because tere are more wind tah in the city.. BUT our normal electricy in in the power station

My dEscriPtiOn...

Hello! Everybody my name is Nerea , but a lot of people tell me Nere . I live in Schamann , Las Palmas G . C . I was born in Tenerife , Guia de Isora , the 18 of July of 1994 but I come to Las Palmas , because my father want to work here. When I arrived I was 11 years old and I started to go to the Pepe Damaso shool after that when I finish the school i went to the best secundary shool that I know the I.E.S.Schamann . Now I am 14 and I am in third of ESO. I will finish the secundary and the Bachillerato in a nearly future and I will start to go to te University of Cambridge. I will study some languages like English , French , German , Portuguese and 2 or 3 more . I will be a brilliant intelligent and rich person . And for finish this I tell you thati will travel to many places.
Description of english:

My name is Sara,I`m fourteen years old.I was born in Galicia and now I living in Las Palmas.
I travel here,when I was four years.I was study in Pepe Dámaso and now I studing in the
I.E.S.Schamann.I whent to London two years a go.I want to study a lot of languages for travel
of the world and will meet a news culturs of others worlds.

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

Hello everybody!

As you Know, we are working about power stations and renewable and non renewable sources of energy... We´ll keep on working on this subject in our lessons together, but I´d like you to read this text and answer the questions below:

Non-renewable versus renewable energy
Non-renewable Energy: Much of our energy supply comes from coal, oil, natural gas, or radioactive elements. They are considered non-renewable because once they are removed from the ground and used, they are not immediately replaced. In fact, the world's natural gas, crude oil and coal deposits took millions of years to form. Uranium, which is used for nuclear energy, has limited supply as well. Humans will have used up most of these deposits in less than 200 years. Once they are gone, non-renewable energy supplies cannot be replaced within human time scales.
The sun is a never-ending supply of free energy.

Renewable Energy: Renewable energy on the other hand quickly replaces itself and is usually available in a never-ending supply. Renewable energy comes from the natural flow of sunlight, wind, or water around the Earth. With the help of special collectors, we can capture some of this energy and put it to use in our homes and businesses. As long as sunlight, water and wind continue to flow and trees and other plants continue to grow, we have access to a ready of supply of energy.

1.- Give some examples of non-renewable energy. Describe why they are considered non-renewable.
2.- Give several examples of renewable energy. Why are they considered "renewable"?
3. -What are some of the advantages of renewable energy over non-renewable energy?
4 .-Can you describe any examples of how renewable energy is being used in your region?

domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009

Happy Carnival week.

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009


This is a beautifull card


This is the poem that write Katrhin in the blackboard.


This is a beautiful poem in English

VaLeNTin'S daY.

This is a little poem.

Valentine's Day

Happy Saturday

On Saturday is Valentine's Day . Now I show you some photos

Today Cupido went to the class to look for Gemma in the english class.

VaLeNtInE's DaY

This Saturday is Valentine's day jejeje
Happy Valentine's day for everybody jejeje

miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009

In the race of save the childrens I think that we recaude a lot of money for the niger childrens.

In the worl are very poverty,Why don´t we change them?

I wish have the peace on the world!


I wish the world would be as one.


I wish the third world changed for good.

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009


¨I whis all the children inn the world always had food to eat¨

jueves, 8 de enero de 2009

Happy New year to everybody!!!!!

I think that all of you have good presents and happy holidays, but what about the bells do you ate all of it?