jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008

Oh no! Tomorrow is the F.Q. exam...
Good luck to everybody! =)

6 comentarios:

  1. hello everybody!!! yes sonia tomorrow is the exam of F.Q. this is the firt time that I write in this blog jejeje well bye and very good luck in the exam bye!!!

  2. HI!!!PEOPLE Yes Sonia Tomorrow is the F.Q. exam AND on Monday is of mathematics

  3. oHh!!happy birthday to youu teacher!! jaja. We must study F.Q. for toMorroW.. anD.. the nexT weeK wE have 3 Exams... : Maths( Monday) Socials Sciencs(Tuesday) Language( Friday) Girls & Boys... Study VERY MUCH!!!! It is oUr duty For this Year.. anD paSs this Year!!

    KisseS !!!(K)

  4. hello!!!!!happy birthday cecilia.sonia I know the exam of pq! jajaja!!Is a joke! jajaja!
