"Many of us today realize the healthy benefits of tuning into ourselves, paying attention to our needs and listening to our intuition. As we listen to ourselves we begin to hear our inner"magic" emerge."
Journal Writing is an innocent and gentle process that has been around for centuries. It is a Powerful tool for personal growth and personal healing. It helps people discover and utilize their greatest gifts & hidden resources; it provides a way to mirror the processes by which they become dynamic and develop themselves -- what concerns students here is mainly "Communicating in English", Encouraging Creativity, & Practising Writing and all of the concomitant thinking skills that underlie writing.
Unfortunately, writing a journal is not as easy a task as it might seem. Our culture is so externally oriented that it is really difficult to stop, shift gears and listen to our inner selves. We have good intentions but find it difficult to turn off the TV or radio, let go of the telephone and sit in the quiet "chamber" of ourselves. The trip inward can be extraordinarily rewarding-once we have begun, since, let's face it, it is the beginning that is so difficult.
So often, when we sit down to do journal writing, we are caught up in our left brain responsibilities and may have a hard time switching gears. What we need to do is breathe deeply and begin to release whatever we have been attached to--to begin to listen to that still small voice within. Some people can do this with relative ease, but others find it difficult ... they often don't know what to write about.
What should you do if you don't know what to write about?
1- You can write about the themes you are studying at school => Your Analysis of facts, situations, what you would do if you were in ... shoes,what should be done to avoid ....... / to improve ...... / to make up for ......
2- You can glue on the inside front cover a list of possible topics you havecollected ourselves (quotes, proverbs ...), so if you run out of ideas you have a list to consult.
3- You can collect some texts that inspire you a lot, and when in need, you use them.
4- You can also use the additional handouts given by your teacher.
5- You can comment on the songs studied and movies seen.
6- You can comment on whatever is going on around you: at school, at home, with a friend, in Lebanon, in the world ....
7- You can write about & interpret (or at least try to) your dreams.
8- You can collect poems, ads, photos, or newspaper clippings (interestingones), paste them in your journal and give your opinion about them.
9- You can write a list of advice you would give to your friend, teacher, parents, supervisor, principal ......
10-You can write about many different areas including personal relationships, career and special interests, body and health, and meaning in life.
Note: It is much better to match the topic of the entry with the theme being studied.
Setting up your Journal:
- Decide what you'd like your journal to look like. Give your journal a title. The title will be the first really creative thing you'll do with your journal, so make your title witty, unusual, thought provoking. - Decorate the cover of your journal. You could sketch on the cover, paste on an advertisement or a photo, or write your favorite quotes on it.
Don't forget to:
- Bring your journal with you to class every week. Your teacher might read one of your entries to the whole class (after having had your permission of course). - Write the date & time whenever you make an entry. Make a List of the entries at the end of the month (on a separate sheet on your journal), for the teacher to see and put a grade.
- Be Creative!!
" If we are committed to growth, we should discover and utilize our inner gifts, then we should move beyond our internal critics, move past the darkness inherent in our life and move into our power, meaning, and joy. We should implement this process of opening to ourselves. As we grow in our openness to love and to being loved, we heal...and as we heal, everyone is benefited."